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CASC conducted a special training on confidential work.
Published:18 September 2017 Source:

To further improve the confidentiality consensus of all employees of CASC and enhance the confidentiality management work of the company as well as the confidentiality work level of confidentiality-related personnel, CASC conducted a special training on confidentiality work on September 15. More than 50 employees from the home office of CASC and Beijing Branch participated in this training.

Feng Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee, made remarks on training mobilization and required all the employees to bear in mind at any time the policy characterized by dominance by prevention, highlighting the important parts, convenience for work and ensuring security, comply with relevant confidentiality rules and codes of CASC, improve the confidentiality consciousness, learn about the issues that were required to focus on in confidentiality work and enhance confidentiality management work.

Hao Yan, the keynote speaker, made a thorough and comprehensive explanation based on provisions of the Tentative Method on Protecting Business Secrets of China Aviation Supplies Holding Company and the Employee Confidentiality Agreement and used vivid examples to elaborate on the importance of confidentiality work. The participants of the training discussed animatedly confidentiality-related issues based on their work realities. As a result, good training effect was produced as their confidentiality consciousness was enhanced.

Address: No.3 Tian Wei Si Jie,Block A Airport Industrial,Shunyi District,Beijing,101312 China
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Address: No.3 Tian Wei Si Jie,Block A Airport Industrial,Shunyi District,Beijing,101312 China
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