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News by CASC
  • China Aviation Supplies Co., Ltd?(The Material Sharing Platform Company) signed a MOU regarding air material support cooperation with Airbus in Toulouse on November 16th. It aims at enhancing cooperation between both parties, jointly devoting to provide pooling solutions for air materials. China Southern Air Holding Company, China Nationa...
  • On the eve of China's National Day, an A330 airplane of Air China suffered AOG in Beijing, indicating an urgent need of replacing left and right main landing gears. After learning about the demand of Air China, the service team of CASC?went to Air China immediately. After learning about the background information in detail, a discussion w...
  • To further improve the confidentiality consensus of all employees of CASC?and enhance the confidentiality management work of the company as well as the confidentiality work level of confidentiality-related personnel, CASC?conducted a special training on confidentiality work on September 15. More than 50 employees from the home office of C...
  • On August 31, China Aviation Supplies Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “platform company”) held the fourth conference of the first board of directors - the second shareholder meeting of 2017. Jia Baojun, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Secretary of the Party Committee, Yang Xiaoming, Representative of Shareholders an...
  • In the beginning of 2017, under the support of the Boeing Company, CASC?fully negotiated with GAMECO in terms of the consignment service?of consumable supplies. Finally CASC?signed a two-year consignment?contract covering more than 800?types of consumables?with GAMECO in August 2017. To satisfy the clients, CASC?designated specialized per...
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Address: No.3 Tian Wei Si Jie,Block A Airport Industrial,Shunyi District,Beijing,101312 China
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