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CASC completed the landing gear AOG support for Air China and China Southern Airlines.
Published:28 September 2017 Source:

On the eve of China's National Day, an A330 airplane of Air China suffered AOG in Beijing, indicating an urgent need of replacing left and right main landing gears. After learning about the demand of Air China, the service team of CASC went to Air China immediately. After learning about the background information in detail, a discussion was carried out to seek resolutions. Since 2013, the support team of CASC had been tracking and analyzing the market demand of A330 spare landing gears. The first set of A330 landing gears purchased in 2014 was supporting the landing gear overhaul of A330 fleet of Air China. On this basis, a market survey was carried out for the second set. Based on the detailed analysis and preparation in the early period and the AOG demand of Air China, the service team responded quickly and submitted a flexible business solution, which was strongly supported by the management of CASC and was highly recognized by the client. Pressed for the demand time fence, CASC was faced with greater difficulties in negotiation with OEM. CASC obtained the guidance and support of leaders from China Aviation Supplies Holding Company in a timely manner at critical links of the negotiation, which played a crucial role in smoothly advancing the project. Finally, on the last day before the National Day, CASC reached a consensus with Air China and the OEM. Based on the demand, this set of A330 landing gears must be delivered to Air China in Beijing before October 15.

At the same time, the support of CASC for the AOG demand of China Southern Airlines for a set of B737NG spare landing gears was also confirmed on the last day before the National Day and it was required that delivery must be made in Guangzhou on October 10.

The emergency support of landing gears has a close relation with the normal operation of airlines. The heavy task must be completed within a short period of time and it happened to be the National Holiday eve. In this context, the finance team of CASC gave strong support and assistance. Amid strict foreign exchange control, the finance team closely cooperated with the service team, made full preparation in accordance with the progress communicated with the clients and made payment as scheduled without delay after confirming the demand, ensuring the timely delivery of landing gears from the OEM.

The international transportation stage of the landing gears happened to be during the National Day holiday which featured greater goods volume and insufficient shipping space. Due to the super large size of A330 landing gears, it was quite difficult to book the shipping space on the premise of complying with the transportation budget. Faced with so many difficulties, leaders and employees of Wamat kept a close watch on each transportation link, maintained full communication and confirmation with the service team and made preparation for the domestic customs clearance in advance during the National Day holiday. At the same time, strong support was obtained from Air China and Air China Cargo at key transportation nodes. Finally, CASC delivered A330 landing gears to Air China 5 days ahead of schedule, which was highly applauded by Air China.

In addition, after B737NG landing gears, required by China Southern Airlines, were smoothly transported to Guangzhou, Guangzhou Branch of CASC gave full support. As a result, the landing gears were delivered to China Southern Airlines on time, ensuring the normal operation of China Southern Airlines.

The success of the two landing gear AOG support services during the National Day holiday, as a result of team cooperation led by leaders from China Aviation Supplies Holding Company and CASC, fully displayed the professional ability, fast response capacity as well as the cooperation spirit of seamless connection of the service, finance, logistics and legal teams of CASC as well as the teams from the branches and subsidiaries. It is through highly efficient team cooperation one after another, the landing gear service of CASC has been recognized and trusted by more and more clients and laid a solid foundation for the landing gear sharing business in the whole industry.

Address: No.3 Tian Wei Si Jie,Block A Airport Industrial,Shunyi District,Beijing,101312 China
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Address: No.3 Tian Wei Si Jie,Block A Airport Industrial,Shunyi District,Beijing,101312 China
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